It turns out, to my horror, that this track is only available on iTunes. Oh the humanity!
It also turns out that all of the proceeds from purchasing said track will go to Doctors Without Borders. *gasp!*
(also thanks to Pat for providing above link)
Do I:
1. Support Doctors Without Borders and download this cool track whilst simultaneously providing some credit (not monetary, but surely they're tracking downloads) to the whore of all the media world, iTunes?
2. Let my distaste for iTunes avert me from supporting Doctors Without Borders and enjoying this fine track?
I stole the track on the interwebs, then donated $5 directly to Doctors Without Borders.
Doctors Without Borders..... +$5 = win!
Regina Spektor track.... I have it now = win!
giving the proverbial finger to iTunes... = megawin!
Writing this blog instead of studying biochem.... uh... = lose.
I wouldn't call writing this post as a lose... Even though you put off studying biochem, you brought a very large smile to my face and awareness of a song I have to experience!